Why Dentists Use Stainless Steel Crowns For Primary Teeth

If your child has recently had a serious cavity, their dentist will likely treat the affected tooth with a root canal and a dental crown. During the treatment process for a pediatric cavity, the dentist removes the decay using a dental drill, fills the cavity to restore the missing pieces of tooth material, and covers the tooth with a dental crown. You may be surprised to find that, instead of a porcelain or porcelain-over-metal crown, the dentist may select a stainless steel crown for a primary tooth. [Read More]

How Invisalign Can Help New Politicians Succeed In Their Career

People get into politics for a variety of reasons, and newcomers often struggle to find a way to be successful. One problem they may not understand is the importance of appearance, particularly a smile. Potential politicians with crooked teeth need to understand how their teeth can impact their election chances and how Invisalign can help. Appearance Is Important In Politics Politicians focus heavily on appearing good to the American public. [Read More]

Tips For Getting Used To The Feel And Fit Of Your Dentures

If you have recently worked with your dentist to have custom fitted dentures made, then you may be concerned about how the false teeth fit. This is a concern for many people and dentures do take some getting used to. While it will take time for you to get used to the feel of them, there are several things you can do to make them feel more natural. Chew On Both Sides Of The Mouth [Read More]

Tips To Help You Prevent And Remedy Tooth Decay

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is important for preventing cavities and gum disease, especially as your oral health can affect the health of your entire body. Here are three ways you can prevent and remedy tooth decay and keep your mouth and body healthy. Practice Oil Pulling Oil pulling is a practice as a way to help heal your teeth and gums and has become more popular lately although it has been around for centuries. [Read More]