Don't Risk Dental Complications By Making These Common Flossing Mistakes

Concerning data from the American Dental Association indicates that only 16% of Americans floss their teeth daily. If you belong to the other 84%, the simple truth is that you need to start flossing. If you're already flossing, you want to be certain that you're doing the job correctly. Lots of people floss regularly, but don't engage in habits that optimize this task — and that can be nearly as bad as not flossing at all.

Are You Flossing Correctly?

When it comes to caring for your teeth, flossing is one of the things you can't ignore. When you floss correctly, you have less dental disease and your dental cleanings are more successful. When you don't floss correctly, your dentist can tell. Here are ways you can tell if you're flossing the right way, as well as tips for correct flossing so your next dental checkup is a major success.

Three Somewhat Common Medical Conditions That Affect Your Dental Health

People tend to think of dental health as an aside to their overall health. Perhaps this is because you see a dentist for tooth care and a general practitioner to care for the rest of your body. But your dental health and overall health are more closely linked than you might think. Certain conditions can have a profound impact on your dental health and the way you must care for your teeth.

How To Take Better Care Of Your Dentures

If you have several missing teeth or if you suffer from a lot of oral decay, then your dentist may suggest a variety of options including dentures. But what are dentures? Dentures are a set of artificial teeth that sit over your gums and act as traditional teeth; allowing you to chew and preventing your bones from decaying. To help you take good care of your dentures, this article will list a few things that you should (and shouldn't do).

Should You Consider Dental Implants?

Many people have missing teeth, but thanks to continuing advancements in cosmetic dentistry services, more and more procedures are becoming available to the general public. One popular cosmetic procedure to replace missing teeth is dental implant surgery. If you are missing a tooth, check out these three questions to help you determine if dental implants are the right choice for you. Do You Have Gum Disease? If you want dental implants, you need a healthy jawbone to support the implants, making them durable enough to withstand strong pressure.

Chip Off The Ol' Tooth? Restorative Options For A Chipped Tooth

Whether your tooth is damaged through an automobile accident, horsing around with family and friends, biting into a hard piece of food, or playing a sport, chipping a tooth is one of the most common dental injuries. In some instances, you may think repairing the tooth is not necessary. However, a chipped tooth can reduce your ability to chew and speak properly. In addition, this minor damage can affect your appearance and self-esteem in big ways.

The Dangers Of Stress To Your Oral Health

From dealing with the responsibilities of work and home life to struggling financially, physically, or emotionally, it is easy to see how stress is a common part of most people's lives. While shocking to learn, an estimated 48 percent of people say stress has made a negative impact on their personal and professional lives. If you are dealing with stress, you probably understand how it affects your body and mind. However, you may not realize how it is affecting your oral health.

Tips To Save Time At The Dentist

Maintaining dental health means making time for regular appointments. This can be difficult if you need to take time off from work to fit in your dental appointments. The following tips can help you save time at the appointment, so you don't have to use up all your paid time off to take care of your dental needs. Skip the Monday appointment Monday isn't the best day to schedule an appointment.

3 Flossing Misconceptions to Help You Avoid a Flossing Fail

A healthy smile starts with proper brushing and routine checkups by your dentist. However, flossing is also important. Proper flossing removes food and bacteria from in between the teeth and from the gum tissue. While a simple task, flossing can protect your smile from periodontal disease, infections, pain, and tooth loss. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the flossing process and its benefits. This guide will help you learn the truth behind a few common flossing misconceptions.

3 Benefits Of Mercury-Free Fillings

People who have had silver fillings placed in their teeth due to cavities may not realize that the fillings contain mercury. In fact, a silver filling is made up of 50% mercury. This has many people with these types of fillings very concerned. If you are one of them, here are three benefits of getting mercury-free fillings. 1. They Are Better for Your Health Mercury is a natural element that According to the World Health Organization (WHO), can be toxic to the body.