3 Complications Of Untreated Periodontitis
Periodontitis is a serious type of gum infection that affects both your gum tissue and the underlying ligaments and bones. It develops in response to poor oral hygiene and leads to unpleasant symptoms like swollen, bleeding gums. Dentists can treat periodontitis successfully, but if you don't see your dentist, periodontitis can lead to more serious problems inside your mouth. Here are three complications that can arise from untreated periodontitis.
Gingival recession
Periodontitis is the most common cause of gingival recession. Gingival recession, also known as receding gums, is exactly what it sounds like: people with this complication have gums that are receding (pulling away) from their teeth.
This condition is a big problem because when your gums pull away from your teeth, the sensitive roots of your teeth are exposed. This leads to sensitivity when your teeth come into contact with foods or drinks that are hot, cold, sweet, or spicy. If you have gingival recession, you may also notice that your teeth are loose or are shifting positions inside your mouth. You may also notice that your teeth look longer than they used to.
Your dentist can treat gingival recession with gum grafts. During this surgical procedure, gum tissue from other parts of your mouth will be attached to the areas that are lacking in gum tissue.
Periodontal abscesses
An abscess is a swollen mass that is full of pus, and if you have untreated periodontitis, the buildup of bacteria beneath your gum line could lead to the development of an abscess within your gum tissue. This is known as a periodontal abscess, and it's a very bad thing.
Abscesses are painful, so you won't be able to ignore the symptoms. You'll feel pain and pressure from within your gums and you may also see a lump on your gum tissue; this lump is the abscess. Abscesses can be life-threatening if they spread to other parts of your body, but fortunately, your dentist can treat them.
To treat an abscess, your dentist will need to drain it by making an incision in your gum tissue. You'll be given a prescription for antibiotics to kill the bacteria responsible for the infection, and when you're feeling better, your dentist will start treatment for periodontitis.
Tooth loss
Periodontitis doesn't just affect your gum tissue; it also affects the ligaments and bones that are crucial for supporting your teeth. When these supporting structures are damaged, you'll notice that your teeth feel loose, and if you don't seek treatment, your teeth will eventually fall out. Don't think it won't happen to you; periodontitis is the most common cause of tooth loss.
If your teeth are loose and your gums are red and swollen, see your dentist right away. If your periodontitis is treated in time, your dentist may be able to save your teeth, but if you wait, it could be too late. Your dentist will treat your periodontitis with deep-cleaning treatments, and if that isn't enough, you may need surgery. There are many surgical procedures that can be used to treat periodontitis, depending on the severity of the condition.
If you don't get to your dentist in time and end up losing some of your teeth, your dentist can replace them with permanent restorations like dental implants. Your dentist will need to treat your periodontitis before you can get this procedure done.
Periodontitis is a serious problem, so if you think you have it, make sure to see your dentist as soon as possible to ask them about their perio protect methods. If you wait to seek treatment, you could end up suffering from complications like gingival recession, periodontal abscesses, and even tooth loss.